Individual Supervision

Regular meetings with a professional supervisor can be invaluable.
Supervision provides you with a supportive and trusting environment in which you are able to reflect on, and challenge your own practice, in a safe and confidential environment, and receive feedback on your skills. Supervision helps you to identify and work towards goals and
engage in professional development with an experienced practitioner.
I am on the Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors (RAPPS).
If you are a Coach, Occupational/Organisational Psychologist in Training, or working towards recognition as a Chartered Coaching Psychologist, and are looking for a Supervisor, book a free 20-Minute discovery session below.
“I would highly recommend Alison as a coaching supervisor to anyone looking to improve their coaching practice. Her ability to create a safe and supportive environment, her expertise in coaching psychology theory and practice and her engaging approach make her an exceptional supervisor”
Paula Louise Dixon MSc, BSc, PGCE, MBBPsS | Hazon Consulting
To explore your options, book a free, 45-minute discovery session below. Alternatively, use the form on the Contact Me page