Alison Cole

Organisational Psychologist

Improving performance with Business Psychology

Helping organisations recruit, retain and develop the very best talent

Alison Cole | Organisational Psychologist

Providing a diverse range of leading-edge services from conducting psychometric testing; to designing tailor-made exercises for your organisation for recruitment and development purposes to helping you shape and redesign your organisational structure for business success.

Whether you are a team, organization or leader, we offer an exceptional range of evidence proven, robust and focused services to enable you to select, develop and retain the talent you need in your business. Helping you to create high performing teams and realize the full potential of your people.

“Alison is the one myself and others in the field go to for advice/support”

Kate Scapens CPsychol, CSci, AFBPsS | Managing Director, Aon’s Assessment Solutions, MENA

To explore your options, book a free, 45-minute discovery session below. Alternatively, use the form on the Contact Me page

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