Free Discovery Sessions

More information can be viewed from the Services Menu.
You can read more about the terms & conditions and the Fee here:
A discovery session is free and, generally, will last about 60 minutes. You can select between Online (Zoom), Telephone or Face-to-Face. Please book your session below.
A discovery session will help us explore how I can support you in you and your development.
If you represent an organisation, we can discus issues such as recruitment and selection, psychometric testing, performance, development or change etc.
Read more about the Psychology for Organisations and Occupational Psychology services that I offer:
Read more about the Training services that I offer:
If you are an individual, we can discus your coaching or development needs. I can also offer supervision in either Occupational Psychology or Coaching.
To explore your options, book a free, 60-minute discovery session below. Alternatively, use the form on the Contact Me page
90-Minute Development Programmes
Combine the impact of personal coaching with targeted training
Alison Cole
Designed specifically with the busy person in mind, these programmes target some of the most frequently requested areas for development